Don Giovanni is no exception, and, surprisingly, I haven't even seen that much Don Giovanni artwork that is very salacious. (Or perhaps I am not looking in the right places. If so, please tell me where those right places are.)
Turns out, Opera Cleveland houses its own collection of Don Giovanni artwork. (And by collection, I mean two pieces...but there's room to grow.)
There's nothing salacious about this poster, unless you consider giant, disproportionate arms to be the apex of smut. (And perhaps some of you do. Please avert your eyes, then.) Maybe it's the large arms, but this Giovanni is rather cute.
This is my absolute favorite piece in the office:
Because nothing says "hell-bound lothario" like cross-stitch. Actually, I am not so sure that the crafter didn't just appropriate a "Moses and the Burning Bush" cross stitch pattern. No matter: I love it.
Artists and crafters out there, please feel free to send me your Don Giovanni paint-by-numbers, clay figurine, Etch-a-Sketch rendering, diorama or other piece of art to add to our collection.
Careful what you wish for, Carl. Is the office really prepared for the Act I Finale rendered in macaroni, glitter, and crepe paper on a paper plate?
Oh, I'm ready. Bring it.
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