It's rare that I get to do a big reveal on this here blog, but is different. (And not because it's 4/20.) It happens to be exactly one month from opening night of
Lucia di Lammermoor, and I get to share some of our set designs with you.
As you may recall from prior blogs, we bought a
Macbeth set from Lyric Opera of Kansas City. It was a set that they were done with and ready to trash for space in their warehouse, but our set designer Erhard Rom (who designed the
Macbeth set, natch) saw its potential.
Erhard, Director Tomer Zvulun, along with Dean and Lighting Designer Robert Wierzel have been conspiring for about a year on the design.
When creating a new production, as this one is, the designer usually creates a miniature-scale version of the set.

Here, Lucia meets her love Edgardo in secret. (
Smooch, smooch, smooch.)

This scene shows Enrico's study--with a ginormous photo of his and Lucia's mother lording over the space.

In this great hall scene, Lucia is forced into a marriage arranged by her brother Enrico. But she loves Edgardo! Enrico says
pshaw to that. (Actually, he says he will kill him.)
What you can't really tell in these photos is the awesome projections we'll be using on the set. (In the scene above, for instance, the hall will appear to be huge--something we couldn't do in reality. The stage is only so big, yo.)