It's all good, though. (If just for the amusement I derived by telling my airplane seat mates "I've flown the coop! I. have. flown. the. coop.")

I did have a reason for going to Texas. Opera Cleveland rents out sets it has built, and lately its Turandot set has been little Miss Popularity. Fort Worth Opera had rented Turandot sets, so I accompanied Kish (our warehouse manager and tech director) to oversee its installation in the Lone Star State.
Note to Finance Director: No, I have not filled out my T&E report yet. (I did fill out my T&A report while I was in Texas, though. Awww yeah.)

Here I am on a Turandot set. There were drills involved.
(See what the whole set looks like in a production here.)
(See what the whole set looks like in a production here.)

This is inside the Bass Performing Arts Center, where Fort Worth Opera performs.
1 comment:
Note to Carl: T&A reports are so much more enjoyable. Awww yeah.
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